Friday, March 14, 2008

Pi Day!

In between a big test that I didn't study for until the day of and working about 18 hours during Dancesport, I was unable to get my Pi Day post up by Pi Day. But here it is now!

On a scale of 1-9, 1 being I don't like it, 9 being I love it, and 5 being I'm more or less neutral:

3 - Participating in dancing
. - Not a number, but a frequently abused punctuation mark over at Pottersues
1 - Twilight (the series)
4 - Where bellydancers get sunburned (hilarious, but disturbing)
1 - Hearing people sing the national anthem like a pop song
5 - Harry Potter books
9 - The 100 Hour Board (and The Board Message Board)
2 - Mary Sues
6 - Meeting new people (a terrifying but beneficial experience)
5 - West Side Story
3 - Twilight (the book)
5 - Eggs
8 - Redwall
9 - Divine Comedy
7 - International Dialects of English Archive
9 - Celtic jewelry and music
3 - Singers who scoop
2 - Singing hymns like they're funeral marches
3 - Phantom of the Opera
8 - NaNoWriMo
4 - Having food allergies
6 - "We made out in a tree and this old guy sat and watched us."
2 - Singers with excessive vibrato
6 - Sour Patch Watermelons
4 - People whispering in sacrament meeting, movies, plays, etc.
3 - My Antonia
3 - Bad grammar
8 - St. Patrick's Day
3 - Writer's block
2 - Having a cold
7 - Terry Pratchett
9 - The Pirates of Penzance and The Scarlet Pimpernel
5 - Charles Dickens
0 - Eragon
2 - People who drive stupidly

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