Monday, November 03, 2008

Type Until Your Fingers Bleed

Warning: NaNoWriMo novelist is in session. Trespassers will be reborn as the inspiration for an ugly and evil race of horrifically disfigured beings and/or the villain.

Though I didn't really type that much. I spent several hours working on my novel today and only did about 3000 words. Could have been better. Still behind Fred. Could have been much better. At least I did get some homework done today.

Best line: “There. Hopefully that blend of truth, half-truth, and outright lying would be sufficient to tide over Willow and keep Ezekiel and Kristy out of trouble and out of gossip."

Worst line: "'I think you really look like the kind of guy who is some kind of genius on the inside but doesn’t necessarily even know it himself. I bet you’ll go far in acting.'"

My word count was saved today by me remembering one of old techniques - that of writing backstory, working to get my thoughts straight, and all sorts of fun stuff in the body of my novel. Yay word count.

Days left of NaNo: 27

Word count: 6198

Donations $0


Anonymous said...

Are you healthy yet? You being sick is really making it hard for me to keep ahead of you. ;D

Michele said...

I might be healthy... we don't know yet. But I will probably not be missing more school. Don't think that's all good news for you, though!